During development I listen to music from Youtube in the background. But I do it not on Youtube itself, but through the service https://www.ravbug.com/yt-audio/.

In the Load Playlist field you need to insert a link to the playlist from youtube and press enter.

But there are channels that just post videos and do not create playlists from them. If we try to add a link to the service just to the channel, we get an error.

I used to have to create my own playlist and add each video from the channel. If there are a lot of videos on the channel, it takes a long time to add them. When a channel releases a new video, it is not automatically added to the playlist and I have to go through each channel and add new videos myself.

It turns out that on Youtube you can make a playlist from any channel and all new videos will be already there.

First you need to know the id of the channel. To do this, you need to go to the channel, click on PCM and select View Page Source.

The page with the code will open. On it you need to find the line that starts with href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/.

And copy the content after channel/. In this case it is UCTVD6h_oqG9gbFukHI0GYPA.

Next, you need to replace the second letter C with U

  • UCTVD6h_oqG9gbFukHI0GYPA - before
  • UUTVD6h_oqG9gbFukHI0GYPA - after

Then insert this id at the end of the link, after = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=.

You will get https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUTVD6h_oqG9gbFukHI0GYPA.

If you follow this link, it will open a playlist with all the videos on the channel.

You can listen directly here, or paste this link into the service and listen there.