Solving the problem of displaying images in multi-language Hugo articles

When creating multi-language content on Hugo, I have a problem - in the main language the images in the article are displayed normally, but when I switch the language to an additional language, the images are no longer displayed. All pictures are stored in the same folder where the markdown file with the article. Hugo exports articles in this structure. You can see that all pictures are stored in the main language folder (hugo-obsidian folder), and there are no pictures in the en language folder, which is correct because they don’t need to be duplicated....

How I use Hugo and Obsidian for my blogging needs

Introduction All my notes are stored in markdown files. My main tool for working with them is Obsidian. In this article I’ll explain how I organize my notes and posts, how I use encryption to secure the data, and how I integrate Obsidian with Hugo for blogging. Notes Storage My notes storage is on Yandex Drive in encrypted form. If you go to the notes folder on Yandex Disk, you can see that there are no markdown files or pictures - everything is encrypted....