When inserting a video into an article there was a problem - the video does not adjust to the browser size, it is always the same width and does not resize.

You can solve this problem with css styles.

video {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;

video - This is a selector that selects all <video> elements on the page. All styles specified inside the curly braces {} will be applied to those elements.

width: 100% - This property sets the width of the <video> element to 100% of the width of its parent container. This means that the video will be stretched in width to fill the entire available horizontal dimension of the container in which it resides.

height: auto - This property sets the height of the <video> element automatically, preserving the proportions of the original video. The height will vary with the width to avoid distorting the video.

The video will then change width and height under the browser width changes.